I totally missed a December blog post due to the Holiday activities. However, that helps me pick this topic about our thoughts. We can’t always control our thoughts. They come and go, and seem to take on a life of their own. Yet they are part of us. That being said, we do have control over what we pay attention to and what we consider to be real. Many of our thoughts are the flow of our unconscious mind and we can choose to dismiss thoughts which we don’t need to get through today. We face a barrage of information today which generates way too many thoughts. Sometimes we feel that it’s time to disconnect or we’re going to just shut down. Our minds get tired and we need to recharge. We have so many thoughts floating through that we can’t process anything. That’s okay but it does indicate that we need to separate from some thoughts or empty our minds. We won’t lose those thoughts but we will make room for other thoughts. Perhaps meditation will your approach even if it’s focusing on your breathing. Others will read a good book. Yet others will take a walk and really look at nature. The important thing is that you pay attention to you and what your needs are, and you will find what works best for you. It will be a peaceful journey.